Fryer MB-10R Install - Humston Service
A new Fryer MB-10R Toolroom Mill being installed today by the Humston Machinery Service Department. This machine is a great option if...

Markforged X7 3D Printer
Are you looking for ways to improve your manufacturing process? Do you want the ability to replace aluminum parts over night with...

Komatsu Press & Dallas Industries
In a need for some stamping and coil equipment? Contact Humston Machinery for more information on Dallas Industries and Komatsu Presses....

Nesting Project
The last two nesting pieces printed on our Markforged X7 finished last night. We delivered them today and they fit perfectly with the...

Stainless Steel 3D Printed Parts
Stainless Steel parts from the Markforged Metal X. For more information the Markforged lineup up printers contact Humston Machinery your...

Markforged Webinar
http://3d.markforged.com/webinar-humanetics-improves-crash-test-dummies-fabrication-3d-printing.html?mfv=Humston%20Machinery Link...

Markforged Sales
Southern Indiana has been on fire this past week with its interest in 3D Printing. We were able to place orders for a Metal X, Mark Two...

Fryer MC-100 CNC Machining Center
Fryer MC-100 being installed process in Indiana. For more information on Fryer CNC Machines contact Humston Machinery....

Markforged X7- Carbon Fiber
Markforged X7 laying down carbon fiber on some custom vises. www.humstonmachinery.com • • #Markforged #X7 #Industrial #CarbonFiber...

Special Value 5 Axis
SPECIAL VALUE MACHINE- Overstock Fryer TC-120 5 Axis Traveling Column Machining Center Machine List Price- $362,580.00 Special Value...