Markforged X7 3D Printer
Are you looking for ways to improve your manufacturing process? Do you want the ability to replace aluminum parts over night with embedded continuous carbon fiber parts? Then checkout Markforged. 13 x 10.6 x 7.9 in Build Volume 100um default, 50um minimum Layer Height Onyx, Tough Nylon, Carbon Fiber, Fiberglass, Kevlar, High Strength/High Temp Fiberglass Contact Humston Machinery for a demo or more information. • • • #Markforged #X7 #Onyx #CarbonFiber #Additive #Manufacturing #3DPrinter #3DPrinting #3DPrint #Automotive #Aerospace #MachineShop #Engineering #Design #Indiana #HumstonMachinery #MachineToolDistributor #Reseller